What to Do With Junk

Many items that we consider junk can actually be reused. Instead of throwing out old electronics and paper documents, try to repurpose or recycle them.

Often, people have old clothes, furniture and electronics that sit in closets and storage rooms. These can be donated to consignment stores, thrift shops or organizations like Habitat for Humanity.


Most items that people consider junk can actually be recycled, and some can be turned into surprisingly useful things. It may require a little more effort than simply tossing something in the trash, but it’s an important part of being environmentally responsible.

Clothes, furniture, electronics and other gently used items can be donated to consignment shops and charities. Local vocational and tech schools are also often happy to take commercial items, scraps and leftover materials for use in classes such as shop and vocational studies.

Getting rid of clutter can be challenging, so try making a commitment to donate one item each day to make the process less overwhelming. This will also help you build a mindset of being more selective in the future when it comes to purchasing new items. Besides, who knows – your old stuff might be someone else’s treasure. You never know what rusty metal piece could turn into the perfect table base, or that old journal with lots of tucks and pockets might become a coffee table book.


The good news is that most junk items can be recycled, even if they aren’t fit to be repurposed or sold. If you’re dealing with bulky junk, however, you might have to rent a dumpster and haul it yourself. This is because most waste collection services don’t offer junk pickup for things like appliances or mattresses.

Fortunately, if you’re willing to put in the extra effort, most communities have recycling centers where you can drop off your unwanted junk. Generally speaking, most regular recycling programs accept paper, lightweight cardboard, and envelopes. You can also recycle some types of plastic, including the kind used for packaging food products.

Another way to deal with bulky junk is to donate it. Many charities and nonprofits are always looking for furniture, electronics, and household items. You can even give away old books, but be sure to remove the covers from hardcover books before donating them.

Smaller household appliances can be recycled, too. Most are made of steel and other metals, so you can put them in your local recycling bin. You can also try to find a place that collects small appliance parts for reuse. These stores may be able to refurbish them for resale, or they can use them in repair work.

In addition to recycling junk, you can also take it to your local dump. Most cities and suburbs have a landfill or transfer station where you can bring your unwanted junk for disposal. The location of the facility will depend on where you live, so check with your city or town hall for more information.

If you want to make the process of getting rid of your junk more efficient, consider hiring Junk Haulers Louisville Ky they are certified green processes. This will ensure that your junk is disposed of responsibly and doesn’t contribute to the waste problem in the world.

Junk is a huge problem for people, and it’s not easy to get rid of. It can be hard to know what to do with it, but there are a few different ways that you can recycle it. Some of these methods are more effective than others, but they can help you reduce the amount of junk in your home or office.


While it might seem that junk is trash, a little creativity can turn it into treasure. Old books, vases, teapots and bowls can all be repurposed to add some style to your home décor or even serve as a planter for greenery. Decorative items like old shutters, wooden pallets and cardboard packaging can also find new life as chic home decor or furniture.

Don’t just throw that broken recliner in the dumpster — donate it to a local charity instead. Organizations will gladly take your used furniture, appliances, clothing and shoes off your hands.

It’s hard to recycle everything in your home, but you can make an effort to do better by repurposing a few of the things you no longer use. For example, that rusty toolbox could become an organizer for small tools and other items around the house.

You can find a variety of DIY projects online to help you repurpose your junk. For example, a simple DIY jewelry hanger can be made out of old wood pieces and rope. This project is detailed on my repurposed life. You can also use old skateboards to create a garden swing, as shown in this video from consumption.

Glass jars and other glass containers can be repurposed into attractive flower vases. This can be a great way to make your garden or kitchen tables look more interesting and unique. For a more creative idea, you can repurpose an old metal coffee can as a planter for herbs and other plants. You can also turn old teapots, typewriters or tattered mugs into planters, as seen on grill-designs.

Almost anything can be repurposed, from wood pallets and worn shutters to discarded rugs and empty paint cans. If you have a few extra hours to spare, you can try your hand at some of these fun and easy repurposing projects. Just remember to practice a one-in, one-out policy when shopping for new household items to prevent future clutter from building up.


The old adage, “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure” is very true when it comes to selling items that you don’t use anymore. Depending on the item, you can get a pretty good return on items like clothing, electronics, furniture and even antiques by selling them online through sites or apps. You can also try resale apps and websites for brand name clothes that you no longer wear, and online marketplaces such as Facebook Marketplace to sell your old electronic devices.

For larger items, you can try having a yard sale or posting them on your local classified ads. If your items are in a usable condition, you can also take them to consignment shops or thrift stores to get money for them. You can also donate them to your local nonprofits organization.

When trying to decide whether or not you should sell something, asking yourself if the item is needed or brings you joy. They say people often hang onto things for sentimental reasons, but if it’s been sitting around for a while and doesn’t bring you joy, it might be time to get rid of it. It also recommends checking with your local city or town dump or transfer station to see if they have a recycle bin or if they have a donation center where you can take junk and other unwanted items. If they don’t, she recommends looking into local hyperlocal networking apps for ways to sell or give away items in your own community.

Many items that we consider junk can actually be reused. Instead of throwing out old electronics and paper documents, try to repurpose or recycle them. Often, people have old clothes, furniture and electronics that sit in closets and storage rooms. These can be donated to consignment stores, thrift shops or organizations like Habitat for Humanity.…